High Vibration Ball Mill Duel Pinion Drive - Mechanical ...
Gear mesh frequency is present at 1x to 3x and similar amplitudes on both sides. The Mill Trunion Bearings are at fair vibration As with limited information at this time only the report with a few spectrums and a table of overall velocity reasons it is a bit difficult to get a handle on the issue.

High vibrations on a ball mill | AMP Maintenance Forums
The pinion's shaft and the gearbox are connected through gear couplings with 80 teeth each. This gear mesh frequency (80 x 2.4 Hz) can not be found in the frequency spectra. Also they opened the gear couplings and they seem OK. …

vibration analysis on a ball mill - Mining
Ball Mill Pinion Vibration Analysis Machinery. I have an issue with a gear drive on a ball mill 2XGM is rising and i have sidebands at 107cpm and I dont know why they are at 107 not relevant to any turning speeds ect I checked the root clearance a week ago and the inboard is about a 066 smaller than the outboard The pinion is 24 long and has 24 teeth It is obvious i have there is …

A Gearbox Vibration - Fact or Fiction - Beta Machinery
Based on the speed of the output shaft and the number of gear teeth given to us, the gearmesh frequency was 3494 Hz. Note in the spectrum plot in Figure 1, that there is a peak in the acceleration spectrum approximately at this frequency (3504 Hz). However, the major peak in the spectrum is at 4828 Hz, which is 1.38 times gearmesh frequency.

Gear Fault Diagnosis by Motor Current Analysis ...
(30kW/1,480rpm) running a pinion through a 6.1 reduction gearbox. The pinion has 32 teeth and is meshing with a 178-tooth ring gear attached to the driving roll of the section. The rota-tion of the rolls is rather slow (0.63Hz), which gives a gear mesh frequency at 112Hz. The operator observed on the current indicator abnormal and apparently

Preprint 13-050
mills. The World's largest gear driven mill (manufactured at CITIC HIC) is now operating at Wushan Phase II (Ball Ø7.9m x 13.6m – 17MW- 2x8500kW) Figure 1. Gearless Mill Drive. DESIGN Materials of construction - gear & pinion Based on over 50 years of casting, heat treatment, machining, gear cutting and feedback from operating equipment ...

specifically to overcome the problem of operational gear mesh misalignment. Refer to Picture 1. Picture 1 Typical misalignment damage on a girth gear 2. Background Different mills are used in the mineral processing and power generation industry. The work done in this article concentrates on horizontal rotating mills i.e. ball mills, but the same

CTL-A Multidisciplinary Approach Gets to the Root Cause of ...
An 8-inch diameter pinion shaft, which was driving a 12-foot diameter bull ring gear on a ball mill, failed after a period of rough operation. The crack originated in the area of a keyway at a clutch hub, Figure 1. This geometry acts as a stress concentrator and crack nucleation, in this region, is not uncommon.

Since we have a common factor other than one between the two gears on the ball mill we can expect to see the appearance of fractional gearmesh frequency and harmonics in our vibration data. In this case since the common factor is 2, we expect to see the appearance of 1/2x gearmesh and harmonics in our vibration data.

Vibration Sensor | Frequency | Amplitude
Vibration applications Compressor Blower Sag mill and Ball mill motor, reducer and pinion Crusher motor inner/outer pinion shaft CHARACTERISTICS OF VIBRATION Amplitude Displacement Units are mils or microns(1 micron = 0.001mm or 0.039 mils. Velocity Units are in/sec or mm/sec Acceleration Units g. Where 1g=32.2ft/sec2 or 9.81. m/sec2. Spike ...

Ring gear drives huge grinding mill | Machine Design
Following the SAG mill will be two 9,000-hp ball mills, each one 20-ft in diam. and 331/2-ft long, that do the finish grinding. ... Mill speed is adjusted by …

Gear Mesh Vibration in Coal Pulverizer - Mechanical ...
I have a pulverizer that was vibrating at 1 ips measured at various bearings within the gearbox. This vibration appeared after the gearbox was overhauled. It is a double reduction gearbox. %99 of the vibration is occuring at 332 Hz, which corresponds to the gearmesh frequency of the first reduction. The 1x pinion speed sidebands are almost ...

Comparison of Ore Hardness Measurements for Grinding …
Table 2: Summary of Specific Gravity Tests Specific Gravity Method Tested Avg of 6 By 12 3456 Average of 2 pycnometer methods Hazen 2.93 2.91 2.74 2.85 2.86 2.75 2.84 Average of 3 ASTM Method D 854 ATT 2.86 2.82 2.68 2.78 2.81 2.71 2.78 SAGDesign - Water displacement Dawson 2.76 2.82 2.54 2.81 2.75 2.82 2.75 Phillips Enterprises Wax coated …

(PDF) Vibration analysis on a cement mill foundation
the gear mesh frequency of the Girth-Pini on couple (49,5 Hz) and its harmonics (99 Hz, 148,5 Hz, etc.). As there is no peak at the pinion revoluti on …

ball mill gearbox vibration
Ball Mill Gearbox Problem Vibration. Ball Mill 226 rpm pinion gear amp 18 rpm bull gear. Helical gears. Clutch between gearbox amp ball mill Bull gear is 2-piece split design. TABLE 1 BALL MILL SHAFT SPEEDS, EXPECTED FORCING amp FAULT FREQUENCIES BALL MILLS, FORCING FREQUENCIES CPM SHAFT SPEEDS 1X RPM MOTOR SPEED 1,191.

Fig showing zoomed view of the 3rd gear mesh frequency with side bands of pinion speed 2.03 Hz on both sides of Gear mesh frequency (Pressing side pinion DE) Fig showing time data recorded on Pinion DE bearing along horizontal direction, data shows the phenomena of …

Time synchronous averaging of ball mill vibrations ...
The nominal mesh frequency is equal to 60.98 Hz, which corresponds to a 16-4 msec interval. This modulation causes the sidebands in the vibration frequency spectrum. TSA of the 1B (24 teeth) pinion with corrected pitch is presented in Fig. 6.

What are the preparation and functionalisation of ...
Answer (1 of 2): A ball mill is a type of grinder used to grind and blend bulk material into QDs/nanosize using different sized balls. The working principle is simple; impact and attrition size reduction take place as the ball drops from near the top of …

Frequencies of a gear assembly | Power-MI
Gearmesh frequency (GMF): is characteristic of each gear assembly and appears in the frequency spectrum regardless of the condition of the gears. Its amplitude depends significantly on the load at the time of reading. It is calculated according to the following formula where, Z is the number of teeth and RPM is the rotating speed of the gear.

Frequency domain characterization of torque in tumbling ...
1. Introduction. The mining industry would save about 70% of the energy involved in grinding processes if this energy was reduced to its practical minimum energy consumption .In this context, achieving a more efficient grinding in ball mills is an important issue, since these devices have a low efficiency rate partially due to the difficulty to monitor the mill filling.

Electric Drives for Large Ore Grinding Mills
The 1-pinion arrangement (A) can be powered by a low-speed, high-torque synchronous motor. There are thousands of these in use. An alternate is by a low-speed, low-(starting and pull-in) torque synchronous motor with a clutch added to accelerate the mill on the motor's pull-out torque.

Fractional Gear Mesh Frequencies – Reliability Management ...
We are seeing 1/2, 1/3 and 1/5 of GMF — these appear due to common factors 2, 3, 5 as you wrote. This means that the pinion is badly worn out and as the common factor teeth mesh they generate these fractional frequencies. It also means that the GMF and the natural frequency are not separated by 2.5 times.

Ball Mill Pinion - Vibration Analysis & Machinery ...
Reply with quote. #1. I have an issue with a gear drive on a ball mill. 2XGM is rising and i have sidebands at 107cpm and I don't know why they are at 107 (not relevant to any turning speeds ect.) I checked the root clearance a week ago and the inboard is about a .066 smaller than the outboard. The pinion is 24" long and has 24 teeth.

How to install and align the girth gear and pinion | prmdrive
The cost of edge drive is low, but the pinion needs to be replaced every 2-5 years. Edge drive is mainly used in coal mills and mills with small power. The girth gear(big ring gear) and pinion are the key of the edge transmission device. Their reliable operation is directly related to the stable production of the mill.

Paper # 25 - Copper Mountain Overview on the Grinding ...
long. They are overflow discharge ball mills with inside diameters of 7315 mm [24 feet] and grinding lengths of 11887 mm [39 feet]. Each Ball mill is also driven by two 8,500 horsepower ABB motors. Figure 3 - The 24' x 39.5' ball mill Table 4, 5 and 6 include the technical data for the Copper Mountain ball mills. Table 4 - general ball mill ...

The drive of the ball mill consists of an induction electric motor, two-stage gearbox and the pinion gear. This pinion gear is mated with the girth gear mounted on circumference of the ball mill shell and in that way it transfers the motion from the drive to the shell, see Figure 1, taken from [1]. Figure 1. Mechanical system of a ball mill ...

Gear Fault Diagnosis by Motor Current Analysis ...
(30kW, 1480rpm) running a pinion through a 6.1 reduction gearbox. The pinion has 32 teeth and is meshing with a 178 tooth ring gear attached to the driving roll of the section. The rotation of the rolls is rather slow (0.63Hz), which gives a gear mesh frequency at 112Hz.

Vibration Analysis of Rotating Machinery - MATLAB ...
In this example, it is arbitrarily assumed that the impact causes a 2 kHz vibration signal and occurs over a duration of about 8% of 1/fMesh, or 0.25 milliseconds. The impact repeats once per rotation of the gear. ipf = fGear; fImpact = 2000; tImpact = 0:1/fs:2.5e-4-1/fs; xImpact = sin (2*pi*fImpact*tImpact)/3;

Investigative techniques for detecting torsional stresses ...
resonance of the shaft lines of the ball mill at 10.8 Hz. This phenomen correspond o the excitation of a torsional natural frequency by the pinion / girth gear mesh frequency. This phenomenon is clearly identifiable on the torque and the instantaneous speed measurements when the gear mesh frequency is close to 10.8 Hz.

ball mill girth gear root clearance
High vibrations on a ball mill AMP Maintenance Forums. Hello everyone I have a problem with high levels of vibration at the supports of the pinion fixed and floating bearings of the cement ball mill What was the procedure for pinion to girth gear mesh alignment blue dye for contact area feeler guage for equal clearance along the 2 meshing faces

Grinding Circuit - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
SAG mill product feeds two parallel ball mills of 6.6 m×11.1 m (internal diameter×length), each with a 9.7 MW twin pinion drive. The ball mills are operated at a ball charge volume of 30–32% and 78.5% critical speed.

Supplementary Material Understanding the influence of ...
Hz Hertz (frequency used to swing the grinding jars by the ball mill grinder) ... 1.2 Equipment 1.2.1 Ball mill grinder ... Retsch MM400 Shaker Mill stops automatically once the run time has elapsed. It can only be automatically run for a maximum of 99 minutes. As these studies required in many cases up to

Fractional Gear Mesh Frequencies – Reliability Management ...
This means that the pinion is badly worn out and as the common factor teeth mesh they generate these fractional frequencies. It also means that the GMF and the natural frequency are not separated by 2.5 times. [The natural frequency in the horizontal direction = 28.5 Hz; natural frequency = 30.9 Hz; Gear Mesh Frequency = 60.6 Hz] Looking at the ...